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2. Your Responsibility

You will design and evaluate a ``proof-of-concept'' of the two strategies, mentioned above. If you are pressed with responsibilities, you may work on the P2 strategy. However, if you desire a bonus, you would want to try to design and implement the P3 scheme as well. Of course, a bonus and a promotion is yours if you do both of these schemes.

The second scheme is preferred, giving the client greater control of the image. However, it might be too expensive: the raw data from the scan is estimated to have 5-15 megabytes of information. If you work on the P2 scheme, you should know that speed is essential anyway, and you should make every effort to process the image as fast as can be possibly done. If you work on the P3 scheme, you might also want to compare its effectiveness as an image processing tool and its computational expense when compared to the P2 scheme in order to make a cost-benefit comparison that your project manager is keen on seeing.

A report needs to be prepared, parts of which will be presented by the business team to the client, on the day of the final, which should show in 15 minutes of oral presentation the following items:

Hand in the code, along with the technical report and the examples, to your project manager. Remember: this is sensitive technology, hence collaboration is strictly ruled out.

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