Course Information Sheet for Physics 472:
Quantum Theory II

A continuation of Physics 371. Applications of quantum mechanics: Schrödinger equation with an external electromagnetic field; addition of angular momentum; fine structure of atomic spectra; molecules; approximation methods (perturbation theory; semiclassical methods; variational principle); special topics.

Professor: Charles Stafford
Office: PAS 347
Phone: 626-4260
Office hours: TBD


The course will be graded on a curve. The minimum cumulative score to obtain an A can be expected to be roughly 85%. The minimum cumulative score to obtain a B can be expected to be roughly 70%. The minimum cumulative score to obtain a C can be expected to be roughly 55%. Cumulative scores will be determined as follows:

Physics 472

Homework: 15% (lowest score dropped)
Midterm 1: 25%
Midterm 2: 25%
Final Exam: 35%

Physics 472H

Homework: 15% (lowest score dropped)
Midterm 1: 20%
Midterm 2: 20%
Term paper: 10%
Final Exam: 35%

Required Text:

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, by David J. Griffiths (2nd Ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005).

On Reserve in the Library:

An Introduction to Mathematical Methods of Physics, by Lorella M. Jones (Benjamin/Cummings, 1979).

Charles Stafford 2007-08-09